
Tiny web to show and play all the games from the tiny games haskell gamejam

A plugin for neovim editor that runs code for various languages like Javascript ,Typescript , Python, Java, C, Rust inside neovim

React app made from 0 that lets the user search gifs using the giphy API. Implements a login, register and add/remove favs features and also has a backend made with Deno using typescript

Terminal based game that uses pokemon names to play wordle all built with Deno + Typescript
Simple calculator as my first project with React

A whole video player with controls built from 0 using web APIs
Typical game tic-tac-toe made with React + javascript

My daily use OS is linux(Manjaro), and it has been very useful and through it I've learnt basic and intermediate linux system management, I've also worked with ubuntu before(I used ubuntu 2 years before switching to manjaro), I've made some custom scripts and designed a comfy and beatiful environment, inspired by tokyo from rxyhn

I've participated in a Haskell GameJam where the challenge was to write a simple terminal-based game with at most 10 lines of code and 80 character of length per line, I was clasified 93 of 106 participants, filter by my name RimuhRimu and you'll find me